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Common breastfeeding myths busted

Common breastfeeding myths busted

If you're a new mom or mom-to-be, you've probably heard all the common myths surrounding breastfeeding: breastfeeding is painful, you won't have enough milk, or breastfeeding will make your breasts sag. No matter the myth, we're here to bust it.

In this video, our lactation consultant Lila Luster-Stipe, addresses some of those common myths about breastfeeding.

Are you having difficulty nursing your newborn and have questions or concerns? Our lactation consultants and counselors are available 7 days a week and are willing to help you every step of the way during your breastfeeding journey. Our breastfeeding mamas are offered free lactation assistance after discharge and are given a free backpack with a cooler bag and manual breast pump. Call 504-349-6004 to make an appointment with one of our breastfeeding experts.